Fully Funded PhD in Art History and Archaeology at Washington University in Saint Louis

Location: United States
Application Deadline: Dec 15, 2024 
Published: 5 months ago

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About PhD Program,

The Department of Art History and Archaeology offers admission to the PhD program to qualified students holding either a BA or MA degree in art history or a closely related field. Students enrolling in the graduate program with the BA degree fulfill departmental MA requirements before being accepted to PhD candidacy; accepted students with an MA degree from another university will immediately enter the PhD program. The Department also offers a terminal MA degree; its requirements are the same as those for students who pursue the MA/PhD track at Washington University.

PhD Program Degree Eligibility with GPA,   

The Department of Art History and Archaeology defines a full-time course load as 3 courses (9 credit hours) per semester. Students are generally expected to take at least two seminars per semester in their first three semesters. If necessary, graduate students may enroll in graduate foreign language courses in any given semester, with the consent of their advisor. Language courses are taken as an overload, and they will not count toward graduate program requirements.

Requirements for students who enter the PhD program with the MA degree in art history from another university are similar to those for students who have fulfilled MA requirements at Washington University, with two exceptions: all entering students take L01.500, Methods in Art History; and a foreign language examination may be required.

The normal schedules are slightly different for students who pursue both the MA and PhD degrees here and students who enter our graduate program with an MA degree from another university.

PhD Funding Coverage,

Our students enjoy the resources of an outstanding research university. These include, but are not limited to, various levels of support for tuition and living expenses. Students accepted into the PhD program who remain in good standing are guaranteed six years of full funding in the form of Arts and Sciences (A & S) Fellowships, with an annual stipend of $34,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year, full tuition remission, and subsidized health care. First-year PhD students receive a fellowship with no instructional responsibilities. As part of our program requirements, PhD students then register for three years of Mentored Teaching Experience (MTE) while they finish coursework and begin dissertation research. Typical MTE assignments are as section leaders in our large introductory courses. Two years of fellowship support without instructional responsibilities may then be devoted to the preparation, defense, and submission of the dissertation. Advanced PhD students may also offer summer courses through University College to gain valuable independent teaching experience. This is an exceptional professional opportunity.

Terminal MA students receive assistance over their two years in the program with tuition charges, and possibly full tuition remission. The Department will cover the annual student health and wellness fees, and also the annual student health insurance fees. Moreover, we help students locate part-time jobs, federal work-study positions (for eligible U.S. citizens) and local oppportunities for summer employment in the Digital Art History Lab (DAHL), Mildred Lane Kemper Art Museum, Kranzberg Art and Architecture Library, or elsewhere on campus.

The following sections are meant to convey only general ideas of the possibilities open to graduate students, together with an outline of the advantages and requirements of each of the major forms of assistance.

Application Requirement,

  • Determine your area(s) of interest and the appropriate degree program.
  • Research departmental information on appropriate department websites.
  • Submit the following information:
  • completed on-line application and statement of purpose
  • three letters of recommendation (may be submitted on-line)
  • official transcripts from all previously attended colleges or universities. Please note: Applicants are free to submit unofficial transcripts at this stage of the
    application process. Applicants who are admitted will be asked to submit official transcripts to the Office of Graduate Studies in Arts & Sciences at a later date.
  • The GRE is optional for application to both the MA and PhD programs, and applicants are not required to take the exam or report scores. For those applicants who choose to submit scores the Institutional Code & Name is: 6929 Washington U Arts & Sci, and the Department Code & Name is: 2301 (Copy for Art History and Criticism).
  • official TOEFL scores for international students who did not obtain their BA from a university in the United States
  • writing sample (15-20 pages; a seminar paper, for example)
  • Transcripts may be mailed or sent electronically
  • Please have all transcripts mailed to the Office of Graduate Studies in Arts & Sciences at:

Office of Graduate Studies in Arts & Sciences
ATTN: Admissions
Washington University in St. Louis
MSC 1187-0112-02
One Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130

Application Deadline,

Dec 15, 2024

Application Fee,

The application fee for graduate programs in Arts & Sciences is $45.

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