About PhD Program,
Brown University’s graduate program in Cognitive Science is designed to prepare students for careers as scientists and teachers who will make contributions to society in academic or applied settings.
Brown University’s Department of Cognitive and Psychological Sciences is dedicated to the multidisciplinary study of mind, brain, behavior and language. It offers two Ph.D. programs: in Cognitive Science and Psychology. Ph.D. students are accepted by the department and formally choose one of the two programs during the first year. The department does not accept students interested in obtaining terminal master’s degrees.
The Cognitive Science Ph.D. program is designed to prepare students for careers as scientists and teachers who will make contributions to society in academic or applied settings. Students will gain broad competence in the scientific issues and experimental, theoretical, and/or computational methods relevant across fields of cognitive science and will develop expertise in one or more research specializations. Programs of study are highly individualized; decisions about research and coursework are made in close collaboration with a research advisor and graduate committee chosen by each student. Students may change areas, programs, and/or advisors as their interests develop. Students are also encouraged to collaborate with faculty members who are not their primary advisors.
Students accepted into the Cognitive Science Ph.D. program are guaranteed five years of financial support contingent on satisfactory progress toward the degree. In addition to the Graduate School’s doctoral support, the department also typically provides a summer stipend for a fourth summer if the student continues to work on research over that period. Support normally comes in the form of teaching or research assistantships, and students are encouraged to apply for their own fellowships (e.g., NSF) before or after being admitted to the program.
PhD Program Degree Eligibility with GPA,
There is no need to convert it. Simply report what your GPA is as a number or letter grade.
Brown University offers you admission to the Graduate School, then you must furnish official transcripts.
The program you are applying to requires the test, results must be submitted. The Graduate School receives official scores electronically directly from ETS, as long as you enter the school code 3094.
PhD Funding Coverage,
Students who are admitted to any of Brown’s doctoral programs are guaranteed five years of support, including a stipend, tuition remission, health-services fee, and health-insurance subsidy (funding for transfer students may vary). Doctoral students in the Humanities and Social Sciences are guaranteed six years of support. This support can come from a variety of Brown University resources–including Graduate School funds, departmental funds, and faculty research funds–and/or external funds, as applicable.
Doctoral students in the Humanities and Social Sciences are guaranteed six years of support. This support can come from a variety of Brown University resources–including Graduate School funds, departmental funds, and faculty research funds–and/or external funds, as applicable.
Application Requirement,
Personal Statement
Letters of Recommendation
Language Proficiency
Application Fee and Waivers
Paper Credentials and Other Documentation
Application Deadline,
Dec 01, 2024
Application Fee,
A nonrefundable fee of $75 is charged for processing each application received by the Graduate School. This fee must be paid when the application is submitted.