About PhD Program,
We offer a Ph.D. in Geography, a Ph.D. in Geography with a specialization in Climate and Environmental Change; and a Ph.D. in Geography with a specialization in Information Systems and Remote Sensing.
We offer a M.A. and a M.S. in Geography, a M.S. in Geography with a specialization in Climate and Environmental Change, and a M.S. in Geography with a specialization in Information System and Remote Sensing.
Both our Ph.D. and Master’s students are expected to apply to and concentrate in one of the five specialty areas of the department: Cities, Development, and Justice; Climate and Environment Change; Food and Agriculture; GIS and Remote Sensing; and Water Resources.
PhD Program Degree Eligibility with GPA,
Minimum of 3.0 on 4.0 scale (a B average).
The requirements for the Ph.D. minor in Geography are flexible. Your specific program should be developed in consultation with the minor-field advisor in Geography. Typical fields include Climate and Environmental Change; Food and Agriculture; Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing; Cities, Development and Justice; and Water Resources.
PhD Funding Coverage
We offer competitive opportunities for graduate funding, including research assistantships, associate instructorships, and fellowships. Our M.A. and M.S. student are normally funded for 2 years. Our Ph.D. students are normally funded for 4 years if entering with a Master’s degree or 5 years if entering with a Bachelor’s degree. This funding is contingent on adequate progress towards the degree.
Our research assistantships are funded by individual faculty research funds. The exact award is dependent on the faculty member. These are normally at least financially equivalent to an associate instructor position. Like AI positions, these are 0.5 FTE (20 hour per week) positions with a stipend, fee scholarship, and health insurance.
Application Requirement,
Undergraduate Grade Point Average (GPA)
Minimum of 3.0 on 4.0 scale (a B average).
3 letters of reference
Identification of a prospective advisor
Statement of research interests
TOEFL or IELTS exams: for international students
Graduate Record Exam (GRE): optional
Application Deadline,
Dec 15, 2024
Application Fee,
In order to submit your application, you must pay the application fee with a credit card. The fees are:
Domestic -$70
International – $70