The Child Sleep, Health, and Development Laboratory in the Department of Human Development and Family Science at Auburn University is seeking a postdoctoral research fellow. The start date is flexible and will ideally be during the spring semester of 2025, but no later than August 15, 2025. This is a two-year NIH-funded position with the possibility of extension for a third year.
The fellow will work directly with Dr. Mona El-Sheikh as well as her collaborators and trainees to investigate multiple domains of child, adolescent and young adult adjustment in the context of family functioning and socioeconomic adversity with a focus on psychophysiological regulation, sleep function, and health disparities.
Data are currently available from two federally-funded longitudinal studies each consisting of six plus waves of data. Each study spans over nine years of development and include a high percentage of ethnic minority participants from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds.
For a description of Dr. El-Sheikh’s portfolio of research, please visit her website Competitive postdoctoral salary (NIH pay scale) and attractive fringe benefits; support for conference travel related to study activities and data analyses and professional development online seminars.
Primary Responsibilities: Primary responsibilities of the fellow will center on data analysis and preparation of first-authored and co-authored manuscripts for publication. The position also provides optional opportunities for training in collection and analysis of physiological (autonomic nervous system) and sleep data.
Minimum Qualifications
Applicants must have a Ph.D. in psychology, child/adolescent development, or a closely related field by the date of hire. ABD status is acceptable at the time of application, but all requirements for the terminal degree must be completed prior to the date of hire. Strong quantitative skills (e.g., expertise with SEM and multi-level modeling) are desired, and experience with child/adolescent development research is required. The candidate selected for this position must be able to meet eligibility requirements to work in the United States at the time the appointment is scheduled to begin and continue working legally for the proposed term of employment.
Desired Qualifications
Experience with at least one of the following: developmental psychopathology, sleep, or psychophysiology research.
Special Instructions to Applicants
Applicants should apply via the online system at the following link: Please provide a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, representative publications, and names and contact information of three references. Reference letters are not needed unless requested by Dr. El-Sheikh. Only complete application materials will be considered. Review of applications will begin on January 1, 2025, and will continue until the position is filled. Any questions may be directed to Dr. Mona El-Sheikh (