About PhD Position:

Eight fully funded joint PhD positions to research light-based energy in exciton science, with the University of Bayreuth (Germany).

PhD Position Project Summary:

The University of Bayreuth and University of Melbourne are currently offering places for high-achieving candidates to complete their PhD studies under joint supervision from both Universities. Candidates will spend at least 12 months in each country and benefit from the research expertise of researchers in both countries.

How To Apply?

Melbourne-based candidates should apply to a specific project (listed below) and send the following to Professor Paul Mulvaney at the University of Melbourne (mulvaney@unimelb.edu.au).

  • Your current CV
  • A letter of motivation outlining your interest in the specific topic and in a German/Australian joint PhD (200-500 words)
  • Academic transcripts

About The University:

At the University of Melbourne we bring together the best minds to solve big challenges and find new opportunities to help your organisation and to benefit society. As a partner you can access the University’s latest research, technologies, and research infrastructure.


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