Summary Of PhD Position:

15 PhD positions in the EU Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Project

Real-time multi-objective voyage optimization algorithms based on on-line machine learning for efficient autonomous navigation

PhD Position Project Summary:

  • Develop online machine learning algorithms to upgrade a ship’s speed-power and maneuverability models for sail planning and sailing performance monitoring
  • Develop a 3D multi-objective sail planning algorithms to consider real-time estimated-time-of-arrival, surrounding traffic and future weather conditions for safe autonomous inland shipping
How To Apply?


Other Details:

Planned secondment(s):

KU Leuven (BE): Understanding and implementing their theoretical hydrodynamic models to describe a ship’s speed-power and maneuverability for further development and integration into online machine learning algorithms (M18-20, secondment mentor: P. Slaets)

PERI (BE): Integrate the information available in inland ECDIS systems inside the voyage optimization algorithms (M33-35, secondment mentor: M. Persoons)

About The University:

Chalmers University of Technology conducts research and education in engineering sciences, architecture, technology-related mathematical sciences, natural and nautical sciences, working in close collaboration with industry and society.


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