Online applications are invited from outstanding and extraordinary PhDs for the multiple Postdoc Fellowship in Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Uppsala University is one of the largest university in the world with thousands of employees, students, and research scientists are involved in the innovation of science and technology daily.

Uppsala University has huge a campus in Uppsala, Sweden and widely known as for its contribution in top notch education and research. The contribution of Uppsala University is not only limited to natural sciences and engineering but it also offers high quality research as well as higher education in bio-medical sciences, social sciences, humanities, psychology, education, architecture etc.

ResearchTweet brings you with its “quick to get feature” the most updated notification with summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship, last date of postdoc application, and official links of postdoc advertisement. ​

(1) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The research project will include a mix of theoretical and experimental work, with specialization on advanced high-power microwave engineering. The research will therefore profit significantly from the excellent measurement infrastructure available at FREIA laboratory and Ångström.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 17 June 2021

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(1) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: Research on techniques for security testing of communication protocols. Research at the department develops techniques for analyzing security of communication protocols and IoT software, in particular within the project aSSIsT, supported by the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF).

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 17 June 2021

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(3) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The candidate will perform research to develop techniques for detecting errors and security vulnerabilities in software. Relevant areas include, but are not limited to, program analysis, formal verification, symbolic execution, protocol testing, fuzzing, taint analysis, and model learning,

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 28 June 2021

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(4) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The researcher will carry out studies in which mutated or non-mutated forms of SNCA are expressed in cell and animal models of the disease. With CRISPR/Cas9, delivered by transfection or AAV-mediated transduction, the gene is inactivated. Sanger- and Next Generation sequencing are used to detect effects at the DNA level.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 16th 2021

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(5) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The project will focus initially on conservation genetics, and will subsequently probe the genetic basis of morphological evolution and changes in genetic variation over time in these species.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 28, 2021

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(6) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The successful candidate will be responsible for leading analyses based on existing data, for publication in peer reviewed journals, in collaboration with the project team (which currently includes another postdoc and 3 PhD students).

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: August 2, 2021

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(7) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The overall aim of our research is to study how symbiotic interactions between bacteria and animal hosts affect both partners’ genetic material and evolution. In this project, the focus we be on analyzing genomic data from the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia and different species of Drosophila that carry it. 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 30th 2021

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(8) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The candidate must have a Ph.D. in developmental psychology or a related field. Excellent skills in spoken and written Swedish and English are required. Research experience with young children (especially 2 to 6 years of age) using eye tracking and/or experimental behavioral methods, questionnaire research, statistical and programming skills (e.g., R, MATLAB), and good project management skills are also required.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 18, 2021

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(9) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: We are looking for a highly motivated candidate interested in pursuing research within the field of psychoneuroendocrinology. Sex differences and gonadal hormone effects in psychiatry have been abundantly reported, if evaluated, but their psychoneuroendocrine underpinnings remain largely unknown, thus impeding the development of sex-specific treatments.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: August 2nd 2021

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(10) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: We are looking for a highly motivated candidate interested in pursuing research within the field of psychoneuroendocrinology. Sex differences and gonadal hormone effects in psychiatry have been abundantly reported, if evaluated, but their psychoneuroendocrine underpinnings remain largely unknown, thus impeding the development of sex-specific treatments.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: August 2nd 2021

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(11) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The goal of the project is to produce metal organic frameworks (MOF) with catalytic (cat) sites, and to investigate their performance by electrochemical techniques. For this purpose, MOF thin films with molecularly defined components that catalyze specific reactions of energy relevance, for example CO2 reduction, proton reduction, or water oxidation, will be produced.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 16 2021

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(12) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The project will focus on characterizing and improving the reliability and size range of electrospray sample delivery for X-ray diffraction imaging experiments. Such developments will pave the way to the analysis of from single proteins data using established 3D reconstruction methods.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 17 2021

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(13) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The applicant will be responsible for a project concerning analysis of blood vessel leakage in normal and tumor-bearing adult mice. A range of mouse strains will be analyzed. The project includes analysis with advanced microscopy, including two-photon and confocal microscopes, of the vascular tree in different organs such as the skin, the trachea and the diaphragm.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 17 of June 2021

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(14) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The Department of Physics and Astronomy at Uppsala University invites applications for a researcher position in ion beam-based physics, to work within energy-related research questions in two specific projects in the ion physics group within the division of applied nuclear physics.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 21 June 2021

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(15) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The researcher will be part of a larger theoretical team focusing on research of magnetic materials, correlated electronic structures and new materials. The focus will be on a quantum mechanical description of the electronic structure and/or magnetic excitations.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 10 June 2021

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(16) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: We are currently seeking a researcher within the area of health economics. In the projects, there is a need for knowledge in various health economic methods, epidemiology and statistics. The tasks include collecting and analyzing data, performing analyses of cost and effect data and writing scientific publications.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 10th of June

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(17) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: In particular, we will develop the following: a new system architecture for embedded systems that supports the ability to deploy incremental updates, allowing components to be seamlessly integrated and updated, while guaranteeing the deterministic behavior of systems; scalable methods and verification tools that automatically verify, in-the-field, that intended updates preserve and ensure safety conditions.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 25 June 2021

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(18) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: Conduct research in stochastic control theory within the project “Stochastic Control with Uncertainty”. Teaching and administration can be included, no more than 20 percent.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 15 June 2021

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(19) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The position is a part of the Vinnova funded research project ‘SnowSat-an AI approach towards efficient hydropower production’. The project is a cooperation between Uppsala University, Mälardalen University, and Umeälvens vattenregleringsföretag (hydropower industry).

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 18 June 2021

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(20) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: For employment as postdoc, the applicant should have obtained a PhD or an international equivalent degree within the field of chemistry or other for the position relevant field, no more than three (3) years before the start of the employment.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 10th June 2021

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(21) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The project will involve establishment of pharmacokinetic (PK) and pharmacodynamic (PD) relationships based on preclinical and clinical data for new and available antibiotics. Pharmacometric models will be developed which aim to translate exposure-response relationships in animals to exposure-response in patients, as well as improved analyzes of clinical study data and simulations for optimized dosing.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 28 June 2021

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(22) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: Pharmacometric models will be developed which aim to translate exposure-response relationships in animals to exposure-response in patients, as well as improved analyzes of clinical study data and simulations for optimized dosing. We expect that the project will lead to new advances of methods for characterizing pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics in the field.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 28 June 2021

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(23) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The present research project involves synthesis of single crystal nickel-rich cathode materials and recycling of commericial nickel-rich materials in collaboration with industry. The work will be done as part of a larger effort directed towards developing energy storage systems based on long-life and high energy-density nickel-rich cathodes, and will figure out the determing paramerters of the recycled cathodes on the battery performance.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 15 June 2021

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(24) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The Sellin research group at IMBIM, Uppsala University and SciLifeLab, here seeks a highly motivated postdoctoral fellow to join the laboratory. The group investigates the interactions between invasive enterobacteria, such as Salmonella and Shigella species, and the mammalian intestinal tissue.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 30, 2021

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(25) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The present research project is part of a larger collaboration project and concerns the development of new approaches for increasing the corrosion resistance of aluminum current collectors in batteries. This includes electrochemical studies of aluminium current collectors in different electrolytes as well as characterisations of pristine and used current collectors using a number of techniques including e.g. XPS, SEM and XRD.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 18 June 2021

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(26) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The main focus of the project will be to investigate non-flammable liquid electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries. Such electrolytes can be based on a variety of different chemistries and lead to an inherent improvement in battery safety. Several aspects of such electrolytes will be studied including performance in cells, electrochemical stability, and flammability. 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 14 June 2021

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(27) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The work will be done as part of a larger effort directed towards developing energy storage systems based on more “intelligent” materials and systems, and will benefit from parallel efforts to apply multiscale modeling to direct materials development. 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 09 June 2021

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(28) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: We are looking for a researcher to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches for protein structure prediction and for combining these with the analysis cryo EM data and serial X-ray crystallography. The project also aims at preparing a national infrastructure for proteins structure prediction.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 16, 2021

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(29) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: We are looking for a postdoctoral researcher to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence approaches for protein structure prediction and for combining these with the analysis cryo EM data and serial X-ray crystallography. 

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: June 16, 2021

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(30) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The project of low-temperature thermoelectrics aims at developing a novel thermoelectric generator that provides elevated thermal-to-electric conversion efficiency operating in the low-temperature range using cost-efficient and environment-friendly materials.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 30th June 2021

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(31) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The focus of this project lies in understanding bacterial, archaeal and fungal weathering capacity of natural silicate minerals in large scale experiments. Increased weathering of silicates has been proven to increase the uptake of CO2 from the atmosphere and this project aims to search for the optimal conditions for high-rate silicate weathering and CO2 capturing by the setup of a multi-variable bioreactor.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 9 June 2021

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(32) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The holder of this post doc position in economic history shall undertake research in a self-chosen theme, but within the frames set by IBF’s themes around living arrangements, building and cities.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 11 June 2021

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(33) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: Besides conducting own research for two years, a post-doctor has a ten percent of full time obligation to teach at the Human Geography department and is also expected to take active part in seminars and other activities organized by the institute.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 11 June 2021

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(34) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: To be eligible for employment in project 1, one must have completed a PhD in information studies, library and information science, science studies, archaeology or another discipline relevant to the work duties. The candidate is expected to demonstrate very good skills in both written and oral English.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 30th of July 2021

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(35) Postdoc

Summary of Postdoctoral Fellowship: The postdoctoral researcher is expected to perform theoretical investigations as well as to do computationally-based modelling within the research area of theoretical condensed matter physics, with a special focus on modelling of ultrafast spin currents, theory for light-induced dynamical processes, THz emission, and theory for current-induced spin dynamics.

Postdoctoral Fellowship Deadline: 15th June 2021

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About The University:

Uppsala University is a comprehensive research-intensive university with a strong international standing. Our ultimate goal is to conduct education and research of the highest quality and relevance to make a long-term difference in society. Our most important assets are all the individuals whose curiosity and dedication make Uppsala University one of Sweden’s most exciting workplaces.


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