Autosome Definition

Any chromosome that is not a sex chromosome or does not play a role in determining sex.

In somatic cells, it occurs in pairs, but in sex cells it appears singly (gametes).

Any chromosome that isn’t a sex chromosome is referred to as an autosome.

Except for sex determination, it is primarily linked with the cell’s numerous metabolic processes.

In somatic cells, it occurs in pairs, but in sex cells it appears singly (gametes).

In humans, a somatic cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes (for a total of 46 chromosomes).

Only one of these pairings will be a pair of sex chromosomes, and twenty-two (22) will be autosomes (the X and Y chromosomes).

In sex cells such as egg and sperm cells, where chromosomes are found singly (total=23), 22 are autosomes and one is a sex chromosome (either X or Y chromosome).

AtDNA or auDNA refers to all of the DNA carried by autosomes.

The underlying cause of the various autosomal genetic disorders, such as trisomy 21, is a mutation involving a gene or combination of genes in an autosome that results in a disease or manifestation of symptoms.

Autosome is derived from the Greek words autós (“self”) and soma (“body”).

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