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Autotroph or Producers Definition

An autotrophic organism is capable of photosynthesis (using light energy) or chemosynthesis (using chemical energy) to produce complex organic compounds from basic inorganic components (using chemical energy).

In Latin, prōdūcere means to lead or bring forward, to extend, prolong, or to generate +–er.

Autotroph or Producers

In a food chain, producers are the initial trophic level. It provides food for customers as well as higher trophic levels. The synthesis of organic compounds from atmospheric or aquatic carbon dioxide is the responsibility of producers. Producers are directly or indirectly dependant on all life on Earth, thus they are at the bottom of the food chain.

Plants, particularly in terrestrial environments, and algae in aquatic habitats, are examples of producers. Because plants can create their own sustenance, they are referred to as producers. Primary producers are individuals that are capable of producing their own food through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process in which plants absorb light from a light source (such as sunlight) and use carbon dioxide, inorganic salts, and water to generate an energy-dense carbohydrate called glucose (C6H12O6) as well as oxygen (O2). Chemosynthesis is another method by which producers create their own food.

Autotroph Citations


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