Piperine: Health Benefits, Side Effects, and Source

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What is Piperine?

We can stay strong, healthy and active if we intake nutritious food supplements and also by following a healthy life style. Many of the vital compound which are needed for our body to keep it disease resistant and in improving our cardio vascular systems are available in our day-to-day substances.

Piperine is one such compound which is normally found in pepper, it is one of the bio active compound which imparts pungency while tasting. This is one of the naturally occurring alkaloid substance having numerous health benefits including those of aiding in therapeutic properties.

However, its biological properties are considered as the less reactive as it is easily soluble in aqueous environments. However, we know that herbs and spices have their standing long history in its culinary and the medicinal preparations due to their delightful flavour and various health benefits associated with them.

They play a very important role in preparations of the numerous medicines which are being widely used in pharmaceuticals.

Among all the spices and herbs, Pepper has its own crown and stands in a unique position by serving as a medicine and in many of the antioxidant activities.

Black Pepper is also known as “King of all spices”. It also considered as one of the most vital and the extensively used spices all over the world.

It is the only spice which is served invariably at the dinning as it is inevitable for preparing foods. Pepper has been used from past till now in various purposes.

Importance of Piperine

The value of the pepper is purely designated for its pungency and its flavour, which is attributed for the presence of a naturally occurring alkaloid substance known as Piperin, along with the volatile essential oils.

The volatile oils, comprises of about 0.4 to 0.7 percentage, which is necessary for its aroma. Even though piperine is found in abundant, these aromatic compounds play a vital and a significant role in bringing the flavour to this spice.

On the other hand, the amount of piperine in the spice varies depending on the piperaceae family, which constitutes about 2 to 7.4 percent in black and white pepper.

Piperin I found most abundantly only in the pepper than any other spices. It was first extracted from the peper by the scientist named Hans Christian Orsted in the year 1819. It was found to be in yellow crystalline compound having a melting point of about 128 to 130 degree Celsius.

Later the chemical structure of piperine was identified and it is named as piperoylpiperidine. Generally, piperin is considered as a very weak base, which on acting in the hydrolysis of acid and alkaline decomposes readily and results in a volatile basic piperine. This volatile piperine also be said as Piperidine.

In ancient times black pepper was used as a natural source of medicine in Chinese and Indian medicines, for treating the alleviatinone of pain, rheumatism, chills, fevers etc.

Black pepper is also taken in the form of tea for relieving from headaches, sored throat, and it also helps in poor digestion and also in enhancing the blood circulations by increasing the flow of saliva and by increasing the appetite. Recent studies also shows that piperine contains a chemo preventive and the antioxidant activities, and also in acting as an immunomodulatory, anticarcinogenic, stimulatory, anti-inflammatory and the hepatoprotective and the antiulcer activities.

Piperine also paves a way in enhancing the bioavailability and the bio transformative effects which helps I differentiating the drugs like rifampicin, tetracycline, sulfadiazine and phenytoin which increases their absorption by slowing the process of metabolism of the drug.

Piperin generally shows a protective effect against the radiations, so it is applied to the cancer patients before undergoing the treatment of radiotherapy.

Piperine Health Benefits

1. High in Antioxidants

Free radicals are the unstable molecules which has the ability to damage our cells, in some cases free radicals are created naturally at the time of exercise and during digestion. Excess of free radicals leads to major health problems like premature aging, heart disease and some kind of cancer, Black pepper is one of the rich sources of plant containing piperine containing the vital antioxidant properties.

2. Anti-inflammatory Properties

Chronic inflammations are one of serious factors, which causes many conditions like arthritis, heart diseases, diabetes and in causing cancer. Many of the active compounds found in the piperine helps to fight against the inflammation.

3. Benefiting the Brain

Piperine also plays a great role in improving the function of the brain. Many of the potential benefits can be obtained from the piperin which helps in healing the Alzheimer’s and the Parkinson’s disease.

4. Blood Sugar Control

Piperine present in black pepper helps us to reducing the blood sugar levels and also shows a significant improvement in inducing the sensitivity of the insulin.

5. Lowering Cholesterol Levels

It is well known that high cholesterol levels cause a higher risk of heart diseases. Piperine found in black pepper helps in decreasing the high cholesterol levels and reducing the bad cholesterol levels and helps in preventing the risks of heart diseases.

6. Cancer-Fighting Properties

Piperine also plays an important role in enhancing the efficiency of traditional treatments that are being followed for treating the triple-negative breast cancer, which is one of the most aggressive type of cancer.

Piperine Citations


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