Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canada I IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship I Research Tweet

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Application are invited for Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canada - IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship from the research candidates holding doctoral degree with outstanding track record and having highest research caliber and wish to pursue their research career. The major purpose of the IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship is allow and support highly motivated research candidates to pursue their own research dream, and to join a vibrant intellectual community of research scholars.

The IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship is highly competitive and awarded based on the strength of the candidate, novelty of the research proposal, and research proposal that best fit with the goals of the IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship program.

ResearchTweet brings you with its “quick to get feature” the most updated notification of research fellowships with summary of postdoctoral fellowship, eligibility, how to apply? and official links of fellowship advertisement.

Summary Of Postdoctoral Fellowship in Canada I IVADO Postdoctoral Fellowship:

This funding supports research in the areas delineated in our Canada First funding proposal: data science in the broad sense, encompassing methodological research in data science (machine learning, operations research, statistics) and its applications in multiple sectors, including our priority sectors (health, transportation and logistics, energy, business, and finance) and any other sector of application (e.g., sociology, physics, linguistics, engineering).

Fellowship Amount:

To support a larger number of postdoctoral researchers, IVADO will fund up to 50% of the postdoctoral researcher’s salary, to a maximum of $35,000/year, for a maximum cumulative amount of $70,000/year (including employment benefits).

Who Can Apply?
  • You intend to enrol in a postdoctoral program at HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, Université de Montréal, McGill University or the University of Alberta.
  • You have earned your first doctorate less than five years prior to the first funding start date listed for the competition.
  • You must be a faculty member at HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal or Université de Montréal.
How To Apply?

Your application package must include:

  • A questionnaire to be completed on the dedicated platform, INCLUDING a description of the project (maximum one page;
  • references may be listed on a second page);
  • A funding plan compliant with the competition terms and conditions;
  • note that the amounts provided by IVADO include employment benefits;
  • Your C.V. (free format); Your official PhD transcripts (please explain the grading scale in the case of non-Canadian universities) to be uploaded;
  • At least two but not more than three letters of recommendation, including one from the postdoctoral internship supervisor (current or potential).

Application Deadline:


Official Notification


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