What is Hypertonic Solution? Definition, and Examples

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Hypertonic Definition

The word hypertonic is a Greek word which can be broken into two words hyper means over and tonos means tension. Thus, from the two words it can be understood that hypertonic when there is too much of something, creating a tension. Thus, a solution is said to be hypertonic when it has high concentration of solute. Hypertonic could also be used when a solution is compared with other solution containing higher osmotic pressure than the other one.

Hypertonic Solution

A solution can be described as hypertonic if it persist higher level of tonicity when compared to the other solution present. Different solution will have difference in tonicities resulting in the movement of water through the membrane. An example could be blood which is hypertonic to a particular salt solution would push the water molecules towards the lower concentration i.e near the blood serum.

What is Hypertonic in Physiology?

In terms of tissue, a muscle could be characterized as hypertonic which has higher chances to tension as the length of the muscle’s changes. Thus, a hypotonic muscle will have less degree of tension when compared to the hypertonic muscle. A muscle will tend to show isotonicity when the tension on the muscle remains stable. This is said to be isotonicity.

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