Are you looking to take your education and career to the next level? Do you have a passion for research and a desire to make meaningful contributions to your field of study? If so, a Postdoctoral Fellowships may be the perfect choice for you.

Attention all aspiring scholars and researchers! The Loughborough University, England has multiple postdoctoral fellowships. Apply to the Loughborough University’s postdoctoral fellowships today and take the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling academic career.

1. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

Applications are invited for a well-trained and relatively experienced PDRA with a proven track-record in algebra, topology, group theory or a related discipline to assist Dr Semeraro in his project “Exotic Representation Theory”. The PDRA will be managed and supervised day-to-day by the PI, who will also undertake training as required. The PDRA will be expected to develop collaborative research objectives and define individual project work streams in accordance with the aims and objectives of the project. They will also be involved in writing papers for publication in peer-reviewed journals and be expected to take responsibility of their own career development by enrolling on courses offered by Loughborough University. They will hold a PhD in Mathematics (or similar).

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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2. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Experimental Photonics at the Emergent Photonics Centre in the Department of Physics at Loughborough University. The duration of the position is originally for 1 year with the possibility of an extension for a further 2 to 4 years based on research requirements. The position is part of the Chip-scale Atomic Systems for a Quantum Navigator (for a value of about £10,000,000). This collaborative project involves the University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, University of Birmingham and Loughborough University.

It envisions to pioneer a mobile phone sized quantum navigator by combining chip-scale quantum clocks, accelerometers and rotation sensors (gyroscopes) that can be manufactured on silicon chips to be used for position, navigation and timing without reliance on signals from satellites. This project aims to take photonic integrated circuit and MEMS technologies to develop chip-scale atomic clocks, quantum rotation sensors / gyroscopes and quantum accelerometers to build much smaller and more practical quantum navigators that will have many applications and benefits to UK and global society.

Application Deadline: 03/07/2023

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3. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

The project’s focus is to prepare new polymers from renewable resources, with tuneable properties, which can be used in a range of applications including biomedical (i.e., drug delivery), paints, adhesives, and personal care products. This includes chain-end modification of naturally occurring polymers to synthesize bio-based block copolymers and investigate their self-assembly in aqueous systems. Monomers from renewable resources will also be synthesized and polymerized. Working with project partner Cargill, this project will deliver novel copolymers from renewable resources, with industrial relevance.

Application Deadline: 12/06/2023

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4. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

This is an exciting opportunity to join this Leverhulme Trust funded project being led by Dr Thomas Thurnell-Read (Criminology, Sociology and Social Policy) in the School of Social Sciences and Humanities. This fascinating project will explore the causes and impacts of pub closures in the UK from a social and cultural perspective. The project will generate enhanced understandings of the impact of pub closures at a personal, social and cultural level, with the aim of informing interdisciplinary debates about closures, endings and social change.

Application Deadline: 18/06/2023

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5. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

This is an exciting opportunity to join our team in the National Centre for Combustion and Aerothermal Technology (in collaboration with Rolls-Royce). We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher for a 24- month contract to support a programme of work which aims to validate and improve Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis techniques for reheat systems. The work will involve simulating an existing experimental test facility using suitable combustion CFD models, comparing the data to experimental results, examining the interaction of turbulence with combustion via a number of turbulence models, and establishing recommendations for improved modelling.

Application Deadline: 23/06/2023

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PhD Career: What are the Career Option?

6. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

This is an exciting opportunity to join our team in the National Centre for Combustion and Aerothermal Technology (in collaboration with Rolls-Royce). We are looking for a post-doctoral researcher for a 24-month contract to support a programme of work which aims to validate and improve Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis techniques for reheat systems. The work will involve detailed LES simulation of spray primary atomisation using high fidelity interface resolving methods and a coupled VOF and Lagrangian tracking method. Results will be compared to existing experimental data to establish recommendations for improved modelling and used to further understanding of combustion systems.

Application Deadline: 23/06/2023

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7. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

We are looking for a Research Associate to work in the EPSRC multi-disciplinary grant “Neuromorphic memristive circuits to simulate inhibitory and excitatory dynamics of neuron networks: from physiological similarities to deep learning” awarded to the Departments of Physics, Chemistry and Computer Science with the projects partners from ARM, University of Massachusetts Amherst and Texas A&M University. MaThis project will be focused at design, fabrication, and simulation of an artificial visual cortex using neuromorphic memristive circuits capable of unsupervised learning and perception of spatial and temporal patterns.

Application Deadline: 11/06/2023

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