About Master’s Program,
The interdisciplinary combination of Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies is Carleton’s unique approach to the study of language, bringing together several research areas that have previously had separate academic traditions.
In contrast to formal Linguistics with its focus on the structure of language, Applied Linguistics emphasizes language as a system of communication and a form of social action. Its areas of investigation include how languages are assessed, learned and taught.
Discourse Studies takes a “multi-modal” approach, examining how written, spoken and visual modes of communication interact in workplace and academic settings, as well as in the media and social networking. This field also emphasizes language as a tool for communication and action in professional and social contexts.
Graduates with degrees in Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies are well-placed to take jobs in language education, in government and business, in NGOs, and emerging technologies, both in Canada and abroad.
Master’s Program Degree Eligibility with GPA,
Required documents will vary depending on the program. Specific forms are available in your online application as .PDF documents . Please note that you must first save any Supplementary Forms to your computer before completing them electronically. Forms which are opened within your browser will not save data. Adobe Acrobat Reader is one program that can be used to open and fill out .PDF documents.
After you have submitted your online application and paid the non-refundable application fee, Carleton will email you instructions on how to access Carleton Central where you can upload any required documents not uploaded within the application.
Master’s Funding Coverage,
If you are entering the program and have a high academic standing, you can receive financial aid in the form of merit scholarships and teaching assistantships. These funds are awarded by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Affairs based primarily on prior academic performance, and are not available for students entering a qualifying year program, for part time students, or for returning students.
If your application is received by the deadline, and you have been accepted for full time study, you will automatically be considered for teaching assistantships and scholarships unless you indicate on your application that you do not wish to be considered. Decisions about funding for entering students are announced in April.
Merit Scholarships
Merit Scholarships are awarded on a competitive basis to entering students either in combination with TAships, or on their own. Recommendations for these scholarships are made by the department based on academic grades of a previous degree and are available for top quality students.
Teaching Assistantships
Teaching Assistantships (TAships) provide students with employment in the university for a maximum of 10 hours a week during academic terms. MA students receive TAships for 2 years (over fall and winter terms for a maximum of four terms). PhD students receive TAships for 5 years (over fall and winter terms for a maximum of 10 terms). Partial TAships, requiring 5 hours a week rather than 10, are sometimes offered.
TAships are decided by the beginning of the term, and as far as is possible, placements are made according to the student’s interests and/or program of study. Most TAs assist in the Writing Tutorial Service, in credit ESL classes, in Modern Language classes, or in undergraduate courses in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics & Discourse Studies.
Application Requirement,
The most commonly required documents include:
Referee Contact Information
Statement of Intent
Writing Sample
Language Proficiency
A specific list of required documents will be available once an application has been started. Take time to prepare your documents prior to starting an application.
Application Deadline,
Feb 01, 2025
Application Fee,
pay the non-refundable application fee of C$120 (C$170 for the MBA program) for programs.