About Master’s Program,
Thank you for your interest in the Creative Writing MFA Program at University of Idaho: the premier fully funded, three-year MFA program in the Northwest. Situated in the panhandle of Northern Idaho in the foothills of Moscow Mountain, we offer the time and support to train in the traditions, techniques, and practice of nonfiction, poetry, and fiction. Each student graduates as the author of a manuscript of publishable quality after undertaking a rigorous process of thesis preparation and a public defense. Spring in Moscow has come to mean cherry blossoms, snowmelt in Paradise Creek, and the head-turning accomplishments of our thesis-year students. Ours is a faculty of active, working writers who relish teaching and mentorship. We invite you in the following pages to learn about us, our curriculum, our community, and the town of Moscow. If the prospect of giving yourself three years with us to develop as a writer, teacher, and editor is appealing, we look forward to reading your application.
Master’s Program Degree Eligibility with GPA,
- Writing sample, options:
- Prose: 20 pages max
- Poetry: 5-10 poems, 10 pages max
- Analytical essay, 8-20 pages
Applicants must have a minimum overall Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.00 on a 4.00 grade scale equivalent to U.S. bachelor’s degree. If your GPA meets the minimum admission requirements, the department of major will determine if your overall academic record and test scores meet department requirements.
Master’s Funding Coverage,
The English Department is extremely fortunate to have a history of generous donors who love the English Department and have left endowments to support students across our major–from professional writers, to students studying linguistics, to creative writers, to students focusing on literature, to students studying to become secondary English teachers.
These endowments make it possible for us to award approximately $200,000 in scholarships to our strongest undergraduate English majors each year, allowing them to continue their degrees and focus on their coursework, as well as helping them to potentially take part in research, study abroad, and other opportunities. The following scholarships are awarded to English majors based on grades, success in classes, financial need, or a combination of criteria.
Application Requirement,
- Program applying
- Academic background
- English proficiency (if applicable)
- GRE (if applicable)
- Your Contact Information
- Answer varying questions
- Three (3) recommender names and emails
- Resume or Curriculum Vitae (CV)
- Statement of Purpose
- Program Specific Materials (if required)
- Transcript Scans (if applicable)
Application Deadline,
Jan 15, 2026
Application Fee,
The graduate application fee is $50 for all applicants.