Sport and Exercise Science: ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Scholarship in the Sport and Exercise Science pathway (RS713)
Science and Engineering: Fully Funded PhD EPSRC Studentship in advanced numerical methods for curing process simulation of fibre-reinforced composites (RS717)
Sociology and Science & Technology: ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Scholarship in Sociology or in Science and Technology Studies pathway (RS706)
Social Policy/ Social Care: ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Scholarship in the Social Policy/Social Care pathway (RS705)
Politics and International Relations: Fully Funded ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Studentship in the Global Language Based Area Studies/Politics/IR pathway (RS703)
Population and Health Data Science: Fully Funded ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) Studentship in the Data Science, Health and Wellbeing pathway (RS694)
Sport and Exercise Science: ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Scholarship in the Sport and Exercise Science pathway (RS713)
Science and Engineering: Fully Funded PhD EPSRC Studentship in advanced numerical methods for curing process simulation of fibre-reinforced composites (RS717)
Sociology and Science & Technology: ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Scholarship in Sociology or in Science and Technology Studies pathway (RS706)
Social Policy/ Social Care: ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Scholarship in the Social Policy/Social Care pathway (RS705)
Politics and International Relations: Fully Funded ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) PhD Studentship in the Global Language Based Area Studies/Politics/IR pathway (RS703)
Population and Health Data Science: Fully Funded ESRC Wales Graduate School for the Social Sciences (WGSSS) Studentship in the Data Science, Health and Wellbeing pathway (RS694)