17 Postdoctoral Fellowships at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway

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Are you looking to take your education and career to the next level? Do you have a passion for research and a desire to make meaningful contributions to your field of study? If so, a Postdoctoral Fellowships may be the perfect choice for you.

Attention all aspiring scholars and researchers! The Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway has multiple postdoctoral fellowships. Apply to the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)’s postdoctoral fellowships today and take the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling academic career.

1. Postdoctoral Fellowship in organizational sustainability strategies for the preservation of biodiversity

About Postdoctoral Position

The Department of Industrial Economics and Technology Management is searching for a Postdoctoral Fellow for an appointment of 3 years on the topic Organizational sustainability strategies for the preservation of biodiversity. The position is a collaboration between NTNU Department for Industrial Economics and Technology Management (NTNU IØT) and The Gjærevoll Centre – A Centre for Foresight Analyses of Biodiversity.

Application Deadline: 26th April 2023

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2. Postdoctoral Fellowship in biodiversity 

About Postdoctoral Position

The positions will be part of a larger multidisciplinary group of recruitment positions working on providing better understanding of biodiversity and how this is impacted by natural and anthropogenic drivers. The position will in particular focus on impediments in basic knowledge about biodiversity.

This includes both taxonomic, spatial and temporal biases in both traditional and novel sources of biodiversity information, such as natural history collections, citizen science, or remote sensing derived products. The project will lend focus to how gaps in this knowledge base can be identified and mended by developing state of the art participatory monitoring schemes. Focal study areas and -systems will be determined in synergy with other projects at the center.

Application Deadline: 23rd April 2023

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3. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Privacy-Preserving Health Data Services

About Postdoctoral Position

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a 2-year temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions through the training provided by an intensive research context of this position. The position is on the topic of Privacy-Preserving Health Data Services jointly funded by two existing research projects from NTNU and the Research Council of Norway. The position is placed at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology of NTNU with the working place at the NTNU campus in Gjøvik. You will report to the Head of the Department.

Application Deadline: 20th April 2023

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4. Postdoctoral Fellowship within entrepreneurship

About Postdoctoral Position

The position is connected to SFU Engage which is one of 15 centres for excellent education in Norway. The aim of the centre is to develop entrepreneurship education in higher education, both within entrepreneurship-specific programs, but also integrated in other programs and contexts, e.g. health and engineering courses.

Research is a vital part of the centre, along with the focus on facilitating student centred initiative that foster entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial students at campus. The centre was established in 2017 and awarded status as excellent based on the partners’ long tradition of entrepreneurship education combining theory and practice. In 2020, the centre was through an extensive review, and the committee’s report stated that the centre was of world leading quality.

Application Deadline: 26th April 2023

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5. Postdoctoral Fellowship in “Flexibility as a Resource in the Distribution System”

About Postdoctoral Position

The postdoctoral fellowship position is for two-years, where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. The candidate will be part of a strong research group in Data-Driven Optimal Control and MPC, with a focus on energy management. The position is funded through the FME Cineldi Research Centre on Environment-friendly Energy. The goal is to build solutions to exploit optimally the potential resulting from connected power generation sources and loads to support the distribution system.

Application Deadline: Open until filled

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6. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Lightweight Post-Quantum Cryptography

About Postdoctoral Position

We have a vacancy for a postdoctoral fellowship at the Department of Information Security and Communication Technology at NTNU in Trondheim, Norway. The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. The position is funded by the Norwegian Research Council in the projects: “Lightweight Cryptography for Future Smart Networks” and “OffPAD – Optimizing balance between high security and usability. An innovative approach to endpoint security”.

Application Deadline: 1st May 2023

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7. Postdoctoral Fellowship in machine learning and data analysis of wheel wear in trains

About Postdoctoral Position

The research project aims to utilize data recorded from the electrical and control systems on trains to indirectly monitor the wheel-track interaction, and improve the understanding of wheel wear for predictive maintenance. The candidate will be conducting analysis of mechanical, electrical, positional (GPS), and environmental data measured on trains in operation in the Norwegian railway network.

The project includes qualitative studies of wheel-track interaction, as well as statistical studies of the important influence factors. The project will rely mainly on machine learning methods for the development of data-driven models for wheel wear that can be used for optimizing train maintenance and operation.

Application Deadline: 1st May 2023

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8. Postdoctoral Fellowship in neuroscience, genomics, and/or biomedical sciences

About Postdoctoral Position

The Kentros lab at the Kavli Institute for Systems Neuroscience at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway makes molecular genetic tools specific to individual neuronal cell types (NCTs) and uses them to investigate the neural circuitry of memory and related diseases of the brain. We are looking for motivated young scientists to join our group at the postdoctoral level to advance projects focusing on the role of distinct NCTs in normal and pathological brain function, particularly as it relates to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s Disease (AD).

Application Deadline: 30th April 2023

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9. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Political Science

About Postdoctoral Position

At the Department of Sociology and Political Science (ISS) there is a vacant temporary position as postdoctoral fellow in the politics/political economy of green energy transitions for a period of two years. The position may be ascribed teaching obligations and extended with one year. The position is connected to the research group “Energy, environment and sustainable development”.

The Paris and Glasgow targets on global warming are unattainable without a green energy transition. Thus, pursuing such a transition – arguably the greatest process of structural economic change in the energy sector for over a century – is of the utmost importance. First and foremost, we want someone with an independent mind and an interesting project.

Application Deadline: 1st May 2023

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10. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Power System Operation, Protection and Coordinated Control

About Postdoctoral Position

The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. Applicants are invited for a two- or three-year position as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Department of Electric Energy, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. The candidate will be part of the Power System Operation and Analysis (PSOA) research group.

Application Deadline: 1st May 2023

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11. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning over Networks and Graphs

About Postdoctoral Position

The Department of Electronic Systems has a vacancy for one postdoctoral researcher in statistical machine learning and signal processing. The postdoctoral fellowship position is a temporary position where the main goal is to qualify for work in senior academic positions. The successful candidate will be offered a two-year appointment. The position reports to the Head of the Department of Electronic Systems. The workplace will be Trondheim.

Application Deadline: 3rd May 2023

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12. Postdoctoral Fellowship in recovering metals and materials from end-of-life Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs)

About Postdoctoral Position

We are looking for a motivated person who is interested in joining our team as a PhD candidate to work within the project HolE-LIB – Developing a Holistic Ecosystem for Sustainable Repurposing and/or Recycling of Lithium-ion Batteries (LIBs) in Norway and EU, funded by NTNU Sustainability Call 2021. A total of 5 PhDs will be working within the scope of the project across four faculties and six departments at NTNU.

The successful candidate will be working at the Mineral Processing Laboratory at NTNU. Research and education at the Mineral Processing Laboratory provide vital knowledge on sustainable processing of ores and minerals and the recovery of valuable components from industrial waste. The laboratory is unique in Norway and plays a strategically important role in the shift towards a greener and more circular economy.

Application Deadline: 9th May 2023

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13. Postdoctoral Fellowship in Blue Hydrogen Production

About Postdoctoral Position

The project (Reimagining Blue Hydrogen Production: Accelerating Clean Energy Solutions through Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Process Design and Optimization). A significant portion of hydrogen production stems from Steam Methane Reforming (SMR). The efficient capture of CO2 during SMR is the most prevalent method for producing blue hydrogen, which is the biggest challenge for blue hydrogen clean production. Overcoming this challenge could revolutionize the energy sector. Key objectives for blue hydrogen production include reducing energy costs, minimizing CO2 emissions, and integrating renewable energy sources. These goals can be achieved by rethinking this process at the design and operational levels.

Application Deadline: 12th May 2023

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14. Postdoctoral Fellowship in sustainability transitions and circular economy

About Postdoctoral Position

The post doc will engage in qualitative research across the project, primarily conducting and analysing interviews as well as co-creation workshops with stakeholders from the industry, public sector, and NGOs. The empirical work will serve as a basis for high quality scientific publications.

eLife is an ambitious research project, which beyond NTNU involves Cicero, DRIFT, and the University of East Anglia in addition to several non-academic partners. Therefore, it is important that the appointed post doc has a collaborative and interdisciplinary mindset and can combine focused individual work with teamwork. The post doc will also participate in activities organized through the Norwegian Centre for Energy Transition Strategies (NTRANS).

Application Deadline: 21st May 2023

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15. Postdoctoral Fellowship in biodiversity topics 

About Postdoctoral Position

The centre is an interdisciplinary gathering point for biodiversity and how the society, public and private sector affect and is affected by this, with the aim to develop biodiversity forecasts with a strong scientific base, along with capacity building and dissemination. The centre will deliver research-based knowledge to underpin strategic decision-making processes within politics, business and society. The Gjærevoll centre is envisioned to be an international beacon for sustainable development within the private and public sector.

Application Deadline: 22nd May 2023

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16. Postdoctoral Fellowship

About Postdoctoral Position

The selected candidate will join a growing and multifaceted research team funded by the H2020 ERC Consolidator Grant LOVE-NEST (PI: M. Linares). The main focus of the ERC team is the study of compact binary millisecond pulsars, which has an impact on a broad range of science topics (including super-massive neutron stars, nuclear physics, gravitational wave astronomy, cosmic rays, accretion flows and pulsar winds).

The position has a duration of two years, with a possible extension to a third year contingent on the performance of the selected candidate. Longer extensions might be possible if the researcher succeeds at securing independent funds/positions, through competitive national/international calls. The start date is mutually agreeable, and expected between September and November 2023.

Application Deadline: 31st May 2023

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