Are you looking to take your education and career to the next level? Do you have a passion for research and a desire to make meaningful contributions to your field of study? If so, a Postdoctoral Fellowships may be the perfect choice for you.

Attention all aspiring scholars and researchers! The Uppsala University, Sweden is accepting applications for our prestigious funded PhD programs. Apply to the Uppsala University’s PhD program today and take the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling academic career.

1. PhD Program in Computational linguistics

About PhD Position

The aim of DigPhil is to create a strong and state-of-the-art doctoral research environment in early languages (up to and including the eighteenth century), educating modern philologists who are well aware of the disciplinary traditions but also have solid competence in computational linguistics. The research school broadly defines philology as the integrated study of languages and texts in their historical contexts. Philology continues a tradition founded in the Library of Alexandria in the third century BCE and consists in a dynamic and cross-disciplinary interaction between textual criticism and book history, historical linguistics, various forms of textual analysis (metrics, rhetoric, narratology etc.) and hermeneutics.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-26

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2. PhD Program in Energy materials physics, interfaces in solar cells

About PhD Position

The division of X-ray Photon Science is world-leading in the use of advanced spectroscopy methods. This puts us in the forefront in atomic-level studies of atoms, molecules and condensed matter. This division includes the research programme Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials, with a special focus on studies and development of materials, surfaces and interfaces of interest for different energy applications, and therefore also the development of a sustainable society. We are a diverse and collaborating research group that shares the same general goal of unraveling and controlling the mechanisms that take place in complex systems related to photovoltaics, batteries, fuel cells, and catalysis. The doctoral position is placed at the research program Condensed Matter Physics of Energy Materials and the project involves collaborations with specialists in solar cells.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-22

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3. PhD Program in biomedical engineering

About PhD Position

Your tasks will be research in microfluidics and microsystems technology to develop miniaturized systems where plant cells can be grown and stimulated under controlled conditions in a so-called plant-on-chip. In particular, the focus is on using cleanroom-based fabrication techniques to create patterned surfaces that can control the adhesion and proliferation of plant cells and generate differently organised patterns of multiple cell types. Both chemical and physical patterns will be created and evaluated. You are also expected to research a microsystem that, in combination with the patterned surfaces, can stimulate individual cells both mechanically and electrically at specific time points.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-26

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4. PhD Program in physical chemistry

About PhD Position

In this PhD project quantum dots that absorb heat radiation will be synthesized and investigated in detail. Based on the quantum dots we will then prepare thermophotovoltaic devices based on a thin layer of quantum dots between two suitable charge extraction layers for conversion of heat to electricity. These devices will be studied with a range of electrical and optical methods, and advanced methods based on X-rays. We will in this project also investigate the possibility to use these thermophotovoltaic devices in energy storage, where stored heat will be converted to electricity.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-01

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5. PhD Program in Cancer Systems Biology

About PhD Position

Unlike many fatal forms of cancer, the brain tumor glioblastoma causes death not by distant metastasis but by local invasion. The local invasive growth of glioblastomas is multi-faceted: tumor cells invade along multiple anatomical routes, including the perivascular spaces, white matter fibers, and directly through brain parenchyma. Studies from our lab and others have linked these invasion routes to cellular pathways; the emerging picture is that invading glioblastoma cells appear to co-opt numerous pathways from embryo development and wound healing, including mesenchymal transformation and differentiation along oligodendrocyte and astrocyte lineages. Looking ahead, a central question is to what degree these mechanisms can be exploited for therapy.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-25

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PhD Career: What are the Career Option?

6. PhD Program in Machine Learning Non-Euclidean Geometry

About PhD Position

The Department is now looking for a PhD student in mathematics, supported by WASP (Wallenberg AI Autonomous Systems and Software Program), to work on the project “Machine Learning Non-Euclidean Geometry”. WASP is Sweden’s largest individual research program ever, a major national initiative for strategically motivated basic research, education and faculty recruitment. The program addresses research on artificial intelligence and autonomous systems acting in collaboration with humans, adapting to their environment through sensors, information and knowledge, and forming intelligent systems-of-systems. The vision of WASP is excellent research and competence in artificial intelligence, autonomous systems and software for the benefit of Swedish industry.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-31

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7. PhD Program in Physics

About PhD Position

One peculiarity of polymers is the pronounced non Newtonian behavior or in other words the change in viscosity for different shear rates. The distinctive changes in the shear and loss moduli can be explained by microscopic properties like the structure or internal relaxation of the molecules. However, experimental data on the changes in the local dynamics of polymers under shear load are scarce or even missing our days. Still such information is essential to draw a complete picture of flow in polymers. In this PhD, we will apply high resolution neutron spectroscopy to polymers under flow. The experiments will be complemented by small angle scattering experiments probing the microscopic structure and rheology. We will reveal phase transitions under shear and trace possible changes in the topological interactions of the polymer chains for higher shear rates and advance our understanding of viscoelasticity on a microscopic level.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-22

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8. PhD Program in Economic History

About PhD Position

The PhD program consists of four years of full-time studies. In terms of the Swedish university credit system, the program comprises 240 credits (30 credits = 1 semester of full-time study). There are two main components of the program: coursework (75 credits) and work that is related to the PhD dissertation (165 credits). Positions are fully funded throughout the four years. Those part of a specified research project are funded through a combination of stipends and university employment, others are funded via a four-year employment as a PHD candidate.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-02

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9. PhD Program in Video Games and Sustainability

About PhD Position

The student will join the Digital Ecologies Lab, and be a key staff member in a new research project entitled “Game On? Identifying Environmentally Sustainable Trajectories for Video Games”, funded by the Swedish Energy Agency. The project is led by Mike Hazas (Department of IT), in collaboration with Per Fors (Dept. of Civil and Industrial Engineering, Uppsala University), Daniel Pargman and Björn Hedin (both at KTH), and Daniel Schien (University of Bristol). Industry partners include Dataspelsbranschen and Kinda Brave AB. The objectives of the overall project are: (1) Map out how gaming is composed in Sweden (demographics, devices, services, delivery, genre and modes of play); (2) Use this composition to model the energy and environmental footprint for different forms of gaming; (3) Uncover the meanings and practicalities of both older and newer forms of playing games, charting the next decade’s possible trajectories. (4) Evaluate the footprint of these trajectories.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-26

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10. PhD Program in RNA biophysics

About PhD Position

The doctoral project, which is a part of a larger ongoing project in the group, aims to focus on understanding how RNA structure dynamics affects biological functions especially in the context of miRNA34a and the formation of the target-directed miRNA degradation process with AGO2 protein. As part of this role, the job duties include conducting laboratory work focusing on developing methodologies to enhance signal/noise ratio for in-cell NMR experiments. This multidisciplinary project will involve working with human cell lines, optimizing in-vitro RNA synthesis and purification, protein production and purification, state-of-the-art NMR spectroscopy (solution and solid-state DNP NMR). The Candidate should have a strong interest for structural and computational biology. Additionally, the successful candidate will be responsible for writing research articles on their findings and publishing them in scientific journals. The candidate will also be expected to present own research at relevant international conferences within their field. Finally, this position may involve other departmental duties such as teaching undergraduate courses.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-24

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11. PhD Program in industrial engineering and management

About PhD Position

As a doctoral student you are contributing to the interdisciplinary research that USER is conducting in the area of user perspectives on smart grids and the energy transition. The overall aim with the research is to increase knowledge about electricity consumers’, prosumers’ and drivers of electric vehicles’ role in realizing the vision of future smart grids. The third cycle studies are conducted as part of projects that primarily focus on consumption flexibility among electricity consumers. You participate in data collection, analysis and compilation of results in collaboration with other members of USER. We offer a varied an exciting work that is designed jointly by the doctoral student and the research group. As a doctoral student you can, with the support of your supervisors, to a large extent influence the focus of your third cycle studies. The fact that the third cycle studies are conducted in an interdisciplinary environment means that your disciplinary background is of less importance in relation to your attitude towards and interest in the third cycle subject area, the research area and interdisciplinary research.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-08

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12. PhD Program in epidemiology

About PhD Position

The number of childhood cancer survivors who live in Sweden is increasing and many will suffer late complications. Long-term follow-up care is advocated to prevent and detect these late complications. However, the patterns and determinants of attending follow-up care after childhood cancer in Sweden are unknown and the impact of attending long-term follow-up care on health in adulthood remains uncertain. The aims of the project are to examine (1) patterns and (2) determinants of attendance, and discontinued attendance, of follow-up care after childhood cancer and (3) assess the consequences of attending follow-up care for late complications and healthcare consumption in adulthood.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-02

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13. PhD Program in Two-dimensional Quantum material devices

About PhD Position

The Quantum Material Device group, led by Venkata Kamalakar Mutta at Uppsala University, is funded by the prestigious European Research Council (ERC) and the Knut and Alice Wallenberg (KAW) Foundation to push the boundaries of quantum materials research. The group’s overarching research focuses on developing innovative quantum material devices, investigating the charge, spin, and orbital quantum phenomena, and exploring their potential for various applications such as energy-efficient spin memory and logic applications, flexible spintronic devices, exotic quantum sensors, and intelligent spin-integrated and neuromorphic circuits. The group employs two-dimensional (2D) crystals such as graphene, 2D semiconductors such as dichalcogenides MoS2 and MoSe2, 2D insulators like hexagonal boron nitride, and special laminates and precisely angle-oriented 2D van der Waal heterostructures. Experiments involve comprehensive low-temperature (down to 10 millikelvin) charge and spin transport and magneto-optics to uncover novel ordering, exotic charge and spin phenomena, and emergent physics.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-12

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14. PhD Program in Polymer electrolytes

About PhD Position

The PhD project will be carried out within the Ångström Advanced Battery Centre and the research programme for Structural Chemistry at the Department of Chemistry – Ångström. The research project will focus on development and characterization of solid polymer materials as electrolytes for Li-batteries. Polymer materials are today attracting a large interest for battery applications. Not least is this true for the electrolyte, where polymers can be used as host materials for the salt, thereby rendering a polymer electrolyte. Ion transport, electrochemical stability and characterization of the interface between electrode and electrolyte is at the center for the studies. The field spans polymer chemistry, physical and chemical characterization of polymers and interfaces, and electrochemistry.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-07

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15. PhD Program in Physics of energy materials, batteries and their interfaces

About PhD Position

The successful candidate for this PhD student position will have opportunity to use and develop methods for studies of interfaces in batteries. Main focus is to connect electrochemical impedance spectroscopy with photoelectron spectroscopy to gain more in depth understanding of the functionality of the interfaces and materials in batteries. Also, complementary techniques will be used to deepen the understanding of the battery materials. A large part of the experimental data is expected to origin from beam times at synchrotron facility MAX IV in Lund, Sweden, but also at other international labs. The candidate will be part of a collaborative research group that shares the same general goal of unraveling the functionality of materials and interfaces in batteries. The candidate will have a strong connection to the Ångström Advanced Battery Center and also some connections to industry in Sweden.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-12

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16. PhD Program in Partial Differential Equations with connections to Deep Learning

About PhD Position

The duties of a PhD student are primarily directed at their own research education, which lasts for four years. The work may also involve, to a limited extent (maximum 20%), other departmental duties, mainly related to teaching undergraduate courses – in which case the position may be extended to maximum five years. The student is automatically admitted to WASP Graduate School and should participate in offered courses and activities.

Application Deadline: 2023-08-31

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17. PhD Program in Kamali-Moghaddam’s laboratory

About PhD Position

A PhD student position is available for highly motivated individuals with interest in molecular tools at the laboratory of Kamali-Moghaddam at Uppsala University, Department of Immunology, Genetics and Pathology. Research in the lab focuses on development of molecular tools and application of those in medicine and biology. The focus will be put on development of tools for detection and characterization of exosomes, and tools for multiplex protein analysis.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-16

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18. PhD Program in Chemistry

About PhD Position

The projects deal with the preparation of photoactive metal complexes and their application in catalysing organic transformations. The project has organic, spectroscopic and coordination chemistry aspects; the systems will be characterized using traditional organic as well as electrochemical, photochemical and spectroscopic methods. The project will in part be conducted in collaboration with partners at Uppsala University. Representative recent publications are: J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2022, 144, 21056 and Coord. Chem. Rev. 2018, 364, 1-9.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-15

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