Are you looking to take your education and career to the next level? Do you have a passion for research and a desire to make meaningful contributions to your field of study? If so, a Postdoctoral Fellowships may be the perfect choice for you.

Attention all aspiring scholars and researchers! The Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden is accepting applications for our prestigious funded PhD programs. Apply to the Umeå University’s PhD program today and take the first step towards a rewarding and fulfilling academic career.

1. PhD Program in ecology

About PhD Position

Aquatic ecosystems are fueled by terrestrial organic matter in the form of riparian plant litter and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) inputs. In the boreal region, intensive forest management with focus on coniferous monocultures is altering riparian plant species composition and productivity. In addition, the boreal region is already experiencing higher temperatures and altered patterns in precipitation and terrestrial runoff due to climate change. This inevitably leads to changes in quantity and quality of terrestrial organic matter input to streams.

As these changes are projected to continue, there is a need to understand how they will interact to influence the role of terrestrial organic matter in aquatic systems and, thus, the ecosystem functions that these systems provide. The aim of this project is therefore to study and quantify how the riparian plant community composition influences carbon uptake by microbes in streams and how this, in turn, may be influenced by the quantity and quality of DOC. This project will thereby advance our understanding of how land use and climate change impact the ecological functioning of boreal streams.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-25

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2. PhD Program in informatics

About PhD Position

At the Department of Informatics, research and education is conducted with a focus on digitization of society, organizations and interaction. Digital technology has become an enabler for changed ways of living and doing business. In our research, we study these changes and change processes and we study the interaction between humans and technology to understand technology’s possibilities and its limitations. In our studies of digitalization, we move in many contexts such as the public sector, media, games, entertainment, financial companies, entrepreneurship, IT companies and manufacturing industry.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-16

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3. PhD Program in Economic History

About PhD Position

Those who are employed as a doctoral student shall primarily devote their time to doctoral studies, aimed to result in a doctoral degree. Work carried should consists of own research as well as participation in postgraduate courses (third-cycle studies). You will be part of the department’s research work where you work closely with researchers at the unit. The doctoral employment is carried out as an independent work within your own chosen field.

Therefore, great importance is attached to the attached dissertation plan. Those appointed to doctoral position may also work, to a limited extent, with educational tasks and administration at the Unit of Economic history. However, duties of this kind may not comprise of more than 20 percent of full-time. If so, the period of employment will be extended from up to five years.

Application Deadline: 2023-06-15

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4. PhD Program in human geography

About PhD Position

In this project, an ageing population is seen as the process that creates not only challenges but also novel societal opportunities that need to be investigated scientifically. As the healthy life expectancy is increasing, entrepreneurship might be an option for productive life at older age. Senior entrepreneurs may thus not only become increasingly important for rural communities in terms of business activity and provision of amenities, but such entrepreneurs might also enjoy better life quality from being economically active at the later stages of their lives.

Within the framework of this project the PhD student is expected to plan and conduct independent scientific research related to regional economic and demographic transformations and entrepreneurship across different stages of the working life.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-22

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5. PhD Program in human geography

About PhD Position

The current doctoral project should focus on geographical migration studies and its’ effects on regions and places. Within this framework, you are free to develop your own research project. Suggestions on topics could be:

  • The production of rural spaces through migration and its’ social consequences
  • Temporary labour migration: Migration industries related to the “New Green North”
  • Asylum- and refugee migration from a transnational and/or biographical perspective
  • Migration and development in the Global South: cooperative solutions to labour migration
  • Migration and environment: the complexity of migration motives

Application Deadline: 2023-05-22

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PhD Career: What are the Career Option?

6. PhD Program in Experimental Physics

About PhD Position

The project is focused on preparation graphene related materials optimized for application in supercapacitors. The project aims to prepare materials with high surface area using chemical modification of graphene and graphene oxide, introducing different defects and addition of nanoparticles. Important part of project is aimed on design of environmentally friendly water based dispersions based on graphene related materials for preparation of electrodes with high surface area. Dispersions and inks will be optimized for best performance in supercapacitors and for several electrode manufacturing methods including spray deposition and printing.

The candidate will be engaged in synthesis of new materials and characterization of these materials using BET/DFT surface area analysis, DSC, x-ray diffraction, Raman and IR spectroscopy etc. It is also planned to use synchrotron radiation facilities and neutron scattering methods.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-15

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7. PhD Program in mathematics specialising

About PhD Position

The PhD student will carry out research in primarily representation theory, but also in number theory as part of a project supervised by Henrik Gustafsson. The main focus of the project is representations of p-adic groups where p is a prime number, and especially so-called Whittaker functions which describe these representations and frequently also appear in number theory.

Surprisingly, these functions can in several cases be computed by partition functions of exactly solvable models from statistical mechanics described by paths in a two-dimensional lattice. The fact that the lattice model is solvable means that the partition function satisfies a so-called Yang–Baxter equation related to a quantum group which we can use to derive identities for the original Whittaker function.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-14

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8. PhD Program in Mathematical Statistics

About PhD Position

The project aims to address these limitations by i) developing methods for fitting SCAM that can handle much larger data sets and more complex model structures than up to now been possible; ii) developing methods for models with response distribution beyond the standard cases; iii) developing open-source software that implements the new methods and meets the needs of scientific and industrial users within the relevant fields.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-14

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9. PhD Program in Applied Physics

About PhD Position

Fatty acids are a group of lipids with important cellular functions, including energy production, energy storage and signalling, to control cell proliferation and metabolism. Inside cells, fatty acids can form lipid droplets, whose size, number and dynamics are related to the cell state. Uptake and metabolism of fatty acids occur fast and are tightly regulated in healthy cells.

If deregulated, lipid signalling contributes to inflammation, cancer and metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Exactly how fatty acids enter cells and form lipid droplets is still poorly understood, mainly due to the lack of non-invasive imaging techniques that simultaneously provide high speed, sensitivity and spatial resolution.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-08

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10. PhD Program in Computing Science

About PhD Position

This 4-year project is funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet, VR). You will work in the Spatial Cognitive Engineering group at the Department of Computing Science. The group conducts research in cognitive issues of human-computer interaction, human-in-the-loop computing, and smart assistance systems. We collaborate with several national and international research groups. We use principles and methods of Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Science, and Geographic Information Science.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-05

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11. PhD Program in Religious Studies

About PhD Position

The graduate program in Religious Studies has two specializations: socio-religious studies and historical-systematic theology. Students specializing in socio-religious studies study religious beliefs, ideas, behavior, collectives, and organizations in cultural and social life, drawing inspiration from the arsenal of theories and methods from social sciences.

Students specializing in historical-systematic theology study historical and modern religious ideas and practices using historical and systematic theological theories and methods, with the emphasis on Christian traditions. Applications are restricted to studies within the specialization socio-religious studies, with a specific focus on Islam. We welcome applicants who plan to write a dissertation with a focus on contemporary Islam in Southeast Asia and/or Islam and politics.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-02

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12. PhD Program in Biophysical Chemistry

About PhD Position

As a PRISMAS PhD student, you will have the chance to conduct cutting-edge research in your field, taking advantage of state of the art tools that will bring to attractive future job opportunities in academia or industry. Moreover, you are part of designing the future of synchrotron technology and instrumentation and using these to tackle some of the most significant global challenges the world faces today while acquiring interdisciplinary and intersectoral knowledge.

Being part of the PRISMAS programme gives you the one-of-a-kind experience in form of a secondment at the world´s first 4th generation synchrotron, MAX IV in Lund, Sweden. Complemented with a tailored training programme, including courses to build scientific and technical competence as well as strengthen transferrable skills, PRISMAS provides you with the skills, knowledge and competence needed to successfully achieve your doctoral degree.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-02

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13. PhD Program in Energy Technology

About PhD Position

As doctoral student you will have access to a full-scale solar heat production facility for district heating, from where the primary data will be gathered. You will also be expected to use numerical tools and develop models to analyse the integration of solar thermal in district heating networks considering different conditions such as heat production technologies, scales of heat demand, type of fuels, and variation of climates. The research would be carried out in collaboration with industrial partners and cooperation with project partners are important aspects of the research project.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-02

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14. PhD Program in Computing Science

About PhD Position

We are seeking two PhD students to join the Autonomous Distributed Systems (ADS) Lab at Umeå University (Sweden) to work on research into distributed Cloud-Edge systems. Cloud computing infrastructures are increasingly distributed, consisting of powerful centralized data centres connected with multiple geographically dispersed Edge nodes. They host Cloud applications, which are typically composed of multiple containerized services that can themselves be distributed and auto-scaled across the Cloud-Edge infrastructure fabric.

This project seeks to develop the theory and models necessary to create a platform that accurately simulates a Cloud-Edge infrastructure together with the dynamic applications that are scheduled across it. The platform will be validated against a physical testbed, and used to develop and evaluate novel autonomous resource management mechanisms that may consider network offloading, scheduling to improving usage of sustainable energy resources, optimal placement of FaaS services, etc. This work is therefore positioned at the intersection between simulation systems and distributed control systems.

Application Deadline: 2023-05-02

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15. PhD Program in Molecular Biology

About PhD Position

Chronic infections are a significant clinical challenge and are major contributors to the development of antibiotic resistance. Current antibiotic therapies act on a limited set of bacterial pathways, emphasizing the pressing need to identify and develop new targets for antimicrobial drugs. The objective of this research project is to identify bacterial determinants that could be exploited as targets for novel antimicrobials. The PhD project is based on the analysis of bacterial transcriptome profiles from human specimens infected with bacterial pathogens. biocomputational analyses will be employed to identify potential bacterial targets for new antimicrobials.

Application Deadline: 2023-04-30

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16. 02 PhD Program in Computing Science

About PhD Position

We seek 2 PhD students to strengthen the group on Formal Techniques for Knowledge and Data Management at Umeå University (Sweden), funded by the WASP program (Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software Program). The students will join a growing group that currently consists of WASP faculty members Diego Calvanese, Magdalena Ortiz, Mantas Šimkus, as well as PostDoc researchers and other PhD students. The main theme of our research is the applications and further development of logic-based methods and techniques for smart data management. The students will also join the WASP Graduate School, gaining access to a vast professional network involving other top institutions in Sweden.

Application Deadline: 2023-04-30

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17. PhD Program in Microbiology

About PhD Position

The ongoing societal transformation and large green investments in northern Sweden create enormous opportunities and complex challenges. For Umeå University, conducting research about – and in the middle of – a society in transition is what it is all about. But also about delivering education to enable regions to expand quickly and sustainably. This is simply where the future is built.

Application Deadline: 2023-04-25

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18. PhD Program in medical science

About PhD Position

The position is aimed at achieving a doctoral degree and the doctoral student’s main task is to devote themselves to their doctoral education, which includes participation in the research project, the doctoral education program at the Faculty of Medicine, and seminar series, etc. at the institution.

We are looking for a doctoral student to work in a project with a focus on older people’s housing, quality of life and care needs within the framework of previously completed studies on sheltered housing (trygghetsboende) and nursing homes (SWENIS). Follow-up data is to be collected. To study this, both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used.

Application Deadline: 2023-04-23

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19. PhD Program in medical science

About PhD Position

Umeå University’s Department of Clinical Microbiology is looking for a PhD student within the field of medical science with a focus on bioinformatics. We offer an international, stimulating, and collaborative research environment where your scientific career development is promoted.

The project involves developing computational methods, which can facilitate the discovery of novel secondary metabolites from microbial (meta)genomes. You will be part of a research group that collaborates with other leading researchers. Our goal is to obtain new, ground-breaking knowledge that enables development in the field of bioinformatics.

Application Deadline: 2023-04-23

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